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USGuide's guide to students aspiring to do an MS

On the left, you can see the links for the steps that students need to follow to go to the USA. It is advisable to follow this order. However, under some circumstances, some other order can also be followed. In the end, all these steps are inevitable, no matter in what order they are done. Please note that some steps can be interleaved too. So I advise you to read at least 5 consecutive steps in order to plan anything.

If you have any queries, please ask through comments to the corresponding post. If your query is good, I will add it to the FAQ section of the corresponding post.

This blog is just to help the students. The author is not responsible if any person or group find anything wrong or misleading in the blog. It is upto the person to follow this blog or not.
GRE, TOEFL are registered trademarks. Neither does the author endorse nor advertise them.
The document checklist provided in the application and visa sections are not final. The author is not responsible if any unfortunate result occurs because of missing documents.

Plagiarism is a strict offense in the USA. All the sample documents provided in the miscellaneous section are only for the purpose of reference. No part of the documentation should be picked up as it is. This may lead to rejection from universities. The author is not responsible if this happens.

Later parts of this blog are still under construction.