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Step 12 : Visa Step 3: Pay the SEVIS fee

You will need the I-20 and international credit card for this. Fees = 100$. Go to to pay the fees. This is a mandatory step. This is a way of the US Governemnt of telling the University that this student is indeed coming to that University. The SEVIS fee can only be paid on a computer with an attached printer. As soon as the fee is paid, take the print out. This receipt cannot be reproduced afterwards on the computer. It is now or never.

This should be done at least 5 working days before your appointment date. However, it is advised to complete this step as soon as you take the appointment, have the I-20 in hand and have finalized the University.

USGuide's tip: Choose standard delivery for the SEVIS receipt. You don't need to take the receipt you get by postal mail to the visa interview. You can take the print out of the receipt, that you get immediately after paying the fees, to the interview.

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