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Step 6 : Applying to the Universities

This is a time pass step. And it is easy too, if you can put the anger of spending so much on applications to rest.
The application process must start as soon as you finalize even one university. No need to wait till the entire list is done. But be sure to FINALIZE the university before applying. Don't start this step before September. You may send your 1st application by October end or November beginning (if you follow this time table).

Following is the process of applying to any university :
  • Create a user id on the university website
    This is simple. It is free. No need to explain. Some groups of univs use the same applying service. Hence for some univs, one id works. Be sure that you go to the right place in the website. MS degree means "Graduate admissions", and you are an "International student". Also, since you are not yet a student, you are a "Prospective student". Get used to seeing these words on websites.

  • Start filling the online form.
    You can do it in sessions. You can save and resume. During the 1st two forms, you will have loads of doubts. Ask them here, or ask some senior. After 1st two, you will become an expert.

  • Submit the online form
    Clicking "submit" is very difficult. I bet you will go back 2-3 times to see if everything is in order. You will do this for the 1st 2-3 forms, then you will click submit as soon as your tab key takes you there. You need an international credit card to pay the application fees which range from 55$ to 85$ per university, average of about 65$.

    Some univs require you to send the recommendations online. You have to do it, you don't have another option. You will curse such universities, even I did. You will have to give your recommender's e mail address to the univ. You can disobey this criteria too. But do it at your own risk.

  • Report your scores.
    If you didn't report your GRE and TOEFL scores at the time of your exam, you will need to do that now. Again, this is not free. You need to call ETS to send the scores. Fax is also an option, but phone is faster.
    To report the GRE score, call <watch this space>
    To report the TOEFL score, call <watch this space>

    Keep your GRE/TOEFL mark sheets in hand, and also your credit card.

  • Submit the packet
    Submit the packet that you made earlier, to the university address. Use courier. Parle Book Depot sends it via DHL or UPS for Rs. 450 per packet. It is worth and best. Don't think of Speed Post or Registered Post.

    All this should finish before your semester 7 university exams begin. Or else, you can do it between two exams also if the break is long. Keep November 30 as the date of sending the last packet.

    Application FAQ:

  • Is it true that "the earlier the better"
    Most definitely. If you apply early, it will not only increase your chances of getting an admit, but it will also increase your chances of getting aid. There are no "rounds of admission" the way we have here in India. The review of your application starts as soon as your file is compiled by them (in most cases).

    Again, just like I had mentioned in the GRE section, hardly 10% of you are going to follow this timetable. So just imagine how much you are going to boost your chances of getting admits and aid if you follow this. Worst case, apply by January 15.

    USGuide's tip: Avoid sending packets from December 20 to January 1. Most of the offices are closed. Some universities return the packets (SMU) if sent during this time. Some stack them up.

  • What if I apply to a University after its deadline is gone?
    In most cases, the deadlines are not strict. Students have got admits in the past even after they missed the deadline specified in the University's website. But why take the risk? Plan well and you will never miss a deadline. If you do miss it, it will only reduce your chances of getting an admit
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    when can I start applying for a university at the earliest?