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Step 8 : Wait for more, or make a final decision

When you made the university list, you had one university that you considered your dream. If there is a miracle and you do get the university, grab it, finalize it. Else, wait for more universities to reply. Wait till you get the university that you want. Or else wait for all the replies. By wait, I mean, enjoy in the meantime.

Please don't be disheartened to get a string of rejects. It is usual to get that. All you want is 1 damn admit. Remember, you had applied to 3 safe universities. you can easily get 1 admit out of these 3. Also, patience is the key here. You might get 3-4 replies in one week and no reply for the next one or one and a half month. It is normal. Don't grow impatient. Every University will reply to you. EVERY. You have spent a lot of money applying to each university. They know it.

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